Backyard Conservation Series Session #2
6:00 PM18:00

Backyard Conservation Series Session #2

  • Portage County Soil & Water Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fall is a great time to re-evaluate your landscape. Join us to learn tips about how to integrate conservation techniques into your existing landscape. Our knowledgeable speakers will cover topics such as composting, eco-conscious fall cleanup, and preparing now for the next growing season. Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just getting started, this program is perfect for anyone interested in creating a more sustainable and eco-friendly outdoor space.

Please visit link to register for this event:

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2024 Portage County Farm Science Review Bus Trip
5:00 AM05:00

2024 Portage County Farm Science Review Bus Trip

2024 Portage County Farm Science Review Bus Trip
September 18th, 2024

Trip Schedule:
6:00 am Depart the Maplewood Career Center (7075 St. Rt. 88; Ravenna, Ohio)
8:00 am Arrive at Farm Science Review
4:00 pm Depart for Der Dutchman (Bellville)
8:00 pm Arrive back to the Maplewood Career Center

Reserve your seats today by
calling 330-235-6815.

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Cover Crops & No-Tilling for Home Gardeners
6:00 PM18:00

Cover Crops & No-Tilling for Home Gardeners

  • Portage County Soil & Water Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Cover Crops for the Home Gardeners

Join Portage SWCD staff & Portage County Master Gardeners for an exciting event all about cover crops! Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this in-person event is perfect for you. Located at Portage SWCD, we'll dive into the world of cover crops and how they can benefit your home garden. Discover the secrets to healthier soil, increased yields, and weed control. Our presenters will share their knowledge and answer all your questions. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your gardening skills and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Mark your calendar and get ready to unleash the power of cover crops!

Please visit link to register for this event:

This presentation is provided by funding from WRLC/Dominion Energy and includes cover crop seeds for all workshop participants.

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Oh Deer, Is that Oak Wilt? 2024 NE Ohio CAUV/OFTL Update
6:00 PM18:00

Oh Deer, Is that Oak Wilt? 2024 NE Ohio CAUV/OFTL Update

Our 2024 workshop will include an update on Oak Wilt, which is a serious threat to Portage forests. There will also be a review of current trends in the timber market, and a Q&A relating to CAUV & OFTL property tax reduction programs.


Timber Market Update: John Kehn, ODNR Division of Forestry,

Oak Wilt Update: Ryan Clester, Area 11 State Forester

Q&A - CAUV & OFTL Property Tax Reduction Program: Matt Kelly, Portage County Auditor & Staff

Information about federal financial assistance programs such as EQIP & CSP will be available.

When: Wednesday, February 21st at 6 PM

Location: VFW Post 1055, 6000 New Milford Rd, Ravenna, OH 44266

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Growing the Idea of Healthy Soil
8:30 AM08:30

Growing the Idea of Healthy Soil

Date: Friday December 1, 2023: 9:00AM to noon

Location: Deerfield Town Hall, 1450 OH-14, Deerfield, OH

AGENDA:  Grain ExportWhere does your grain go?

                  Cover Crops: Dale Arbaugh, Aerial seeding

                  H2Ohio Expansion: Kip Studer, ODA

                  Portage CAUV and OFTL Update:  Matt Kelly, Portage         

                  County Auditor and Staff

Lunch provided immediately following program. To help us plan for food, please register online or by emailing Lynn: or call (330)235-6815

Doors open at 8:30 (light refreshments served)



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Workshop:  Integrating Native Plants into the Home Landscape
10:00 AM10:00

Workshop: Integrating Native Plants into the Home Landscape

When:  Saturday March 19th, 2022 @ 10:00am-Noon

Where:  Portage SWCD 6970 OH-88 Ravenna, OH – Garden Meeting Room

What:  Workshop on Integrating Native Plants into the Home Landscape with Judy Semroc.  You will learn how native plants improve water quality.  The importance of layering in the landscape.  The efficiency of leaves.  Native perennials-great plants, great networks.  Free plants for participants. 

Hosted by Portage SWCD & Portage Master Gardener Volunteers with funding from WRLC & Dominion Energy.

To Register: email or call 330.235.6811

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Stark Sustainable Soils Initiative 2nd Annual Town Hall Meeting
9:00 AM09:00

Stark Sustainable Soils Initiative 2nd Annual Town Hall Meeting

Stark Sustainable Soils Initiative 2nd Annual Town Hall Meeting COLLEGE of FOOD, AGRICULTURAL and ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Friday, March 4, 2022, | 8 am-12 pm Foltz Community Center | 224 North Wood St. |East Canton| 44730

Join us to learn more about this on-farm soil research project happening here in Stark County on twelve local farms and how it can impact your operation! Cost: $10 per person includes hot breakfast, program, and resource materials (Cash or checks payable to OSU Extension) Pre-registration required. Register by calling 234-348- 6145 or email

Welcome/Networking/ Breakfast A word from our sponsors’ Program Overview Results Presentations Participating Farmer Panel Special Message Adjourn Program Details Mail payment to OSU Extension Stark County, ATTN: SSSI Town Hall, 2800 Richville Dr. SE, Massillon, OH 44646. Arrangements available

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IPM & Cover Crops for the Home Garden
10:00 AM10:00

IPM & Cover Crops for the Home Garden

When: Saturday, February 26th at 10:00 a.m.

Where: Zoom. To register click here

Info: Would you like to grow a garden using Earth-friendly methods? Improving soil health and incorporating Integrated Pest Management strategies will get you started on the right track! Please join Ashley Kulhanek, OSU-E Medina and Ann Brandt, Walnut Creek Seeds to learn the basics of IPM and soil health.

This event is offered in collaboration with Portage Master Gardener Volunteers and Portage SWCD with funding provided by Western Reserve Land Conservancy and Dominion Energy.

To Register:

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Growing Nuts in NE Ohio
10:00 AM10:00

Growing Nuts in NE Ohio

When: Saturday, February 12th @ 10:00 a.m.

Where: Portage SWCD in the Garden Meeting Room located @ 6970 OH-88 Ravenna, OH 44266

What: Join Amy Miller, OSU Dept. of Plant Pathology and the Ohio Nut Growers members to learn about nut trees that are well-suited to NE Ohio and why you should grow them.

To register email or call 330.235.6815

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Webinar:  Integrating Native Plants into the Home Landscape
6:30 PM18:30

Webinar: Integrating Native Plants into the Home Landscape

When: Wednesday, January 19th at 6:30 p.m.

Where: Online Webinar hosted by Portage SWCD & Portage Master Gardener Volunteers with funding from WRLC & Dominion Energy.

What: You will Learn: Environmental Benefits of Native Plant Communities: Importance of Early Flowering Native Plants and Their Pollinators: Hard-Working Keystone Species: Introduction to Frost-seeding: Free native seeds for Participants.

To register follow the link below.

If you need helpregistering please email or call 330.235.6811

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CANCELLED:  Septic Systems 101: For Homeowners
6:00 PM18:00

CANCELLED: Septic Systems 101: For Homeowners

  • Northeast Ohio Medical University Cook Room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

When: Thursday, November 4th at 6:00 p.m.

Where: Northeast Ohio Medical University— The NEW Center, in the Cook Room. 4211 State Route 44, Rootstown, OH 44272. This event will be held in accordance with current Portage County Health District COVID-19 guidelines.

What:  Portage County Health District staff will provide an overview of how a home sewage treatment system works, critical “Do’s and Don’ts” to extend the life of the sewage system; examples of what to look for to determine if a sewage treatment system is failing; and how to complete the process for a homeowner requested repair. Information about the voluntary Point of Sale (Real Estate transfer) evaluations will be shared including the newly revised application form.

Time will be available for participant questions.

To register online go to or call (330)235-6815


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Aquatic Invaders in our Backyard Ponds
6:00 PM18:00

Aquatic Invaders in our Backyard Ponds

WANTED! Several aggressive water weed species are on the move and threatening our recreation, ecosystems, and economy. Don’t miss this special online opportunity to learn about aquatic invasive plants creeping into Ohio’s natural areas and invading our backyard ponds. Identification, notes from the field, and response strategies will be discussed, along with recent, notable, and rare Ohio aquatic plant discoveries! 


Featuring: Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks

 Aquatic Invasive Species Project Coordinator

 This virtual program is FREE but registration is required. 


Questions? Contact Gail Prunty at 440-834-1122 or


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VIRTUAL SOIL HEALTH FIELD DAY Walnut Creek Seeds and The Ohio No-Till Council
12:00 AM00:00

VIRTUAL SOIL HEALTH FIELD DAY Walnut Creek Seeds and The Ohio No-Till Council

We will have our annual Brandt Farms Field Day, sponsored by Walnut Creek Seeds, LLC and Ohio No Till Council on Wednesday, April 7th from 9am until noon. This is a virtual event and no cost and no pre-registration needed.

This year's topics revolve around regenerative farming practices and profitability, including information on Carbon Markets and H2Ohio.

 From the comfort of your own home, explore the benefits of regenerative farm practices Terry Cosby, Acting Chief, NRCS Opening Remarks and direction of NRCS Dave Brandt, Eric Niemeyer-Profitability Case Studies of Regenerative Ag Mike Thompson, Grower Acct Mgr., Indigo Ag - Carbon Markets in Regenerative Ag Terry Mescher, Ohio Dept of Ag H2Ohio WLEB Program Coordinator-Update on program status Vinayak Shedekar, Ohio State University- Water quality research update on Brandt Farm Virtual In-Field Cover Crop Discussions

Visit details or to join our discussions!

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CURBING THE CONSEQUENCES: How Trees are Taking Root for Stormwater and Climate Change
6:30 PM18:30

CURBING THE CONSEQUENCES: How Trees are Taking Root for Stormwater and Climate Change

  • Ravenna, OH, 44266 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Many areas of the U.S. are experiencing an increase in the frequency of intense storms, heavy precipitation events, and associated flooding. Join us to examine the vital role trees can play in curbing the negative consequences of a changing climate. While all trees "feel the heat," some are experiencing increased stress and mortality in certain areas, yet increased growth in others. Join us for this informative online presentation to learn more about the challenges facing our future forests and some simple strategies you can use to take root for stormwater!


To register visit

Registration questions or issues? Contact Melissa at 419-239-2652 or

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Woodland Management Tips that Pay
6:30 PM18:30

Woodland Management Tips that Pay

Woodland owners are encouraged to participate in this virtual presentation to learn about resources and recommendations to help you better manage your woodlot to achieve the goals you have for your property. Join John Kehn, ODNR Division of Forestry and Dave Apsley, OSU-Extension Natural Resource Specialist to learn about some key economic and environmental benefits that forests provide. The Portage County Farm Bureau will be hosting this VIRTUAL event on: Thursday, February 25th at 6:30 PM

To register call or email:

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Resolve to Reduce: Inputs
6:00 PM18:00

Resolve to Reduce: Inputs

  • Portage County Soil & Water Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Let’s just get this out there – we are ALL polluters.  We waste food, water, energy, money, etc.  Additionally, many of the ways we manage our land also leads to additional wasting of our natural resources.  We are so fortunate in our abundance that it is easy to forget that very recently, we did not have clean air and water in Northeast Ohio.

The Portage County Master Gardener Volunteers, The Portage Park District and the Portage SWCD staff are offering a series of winter workshops aimed at assisting Portage County residents in learning about simple changes we can all make to reduce our negative environmental impacts.  This series is open to the public on a first-come basis and is offered at no-cost to participants.  Each session will include door prizes that promote the highlighted strategies and 2020 Conservation calendars will be provided to each attendee as supplies last.

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Woodland Workshops
10:00 AM10:00

Woodland Workshops

  • Portage SWCD Garden Meeting Room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

No matter the size of your woodlot, your trees have value that increase with time, proper management, and optimal health.  Join us as we explore tools and resources to sustainably and profitably manage woodlands on your property.

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Does Money Grow on YOUR Trees?
6:00 PM18:00

Does Money Grow on YOUR Trees?

Your woods represent one of your most valuable resources. The decision to harvest, and how to do so, can either improve or set back the future value of your land, its potential for wildlife habitat, and as a source of enjoyment for you and your family. Unfortunately, there are many predatory businesses today trying to take advantage of woodlot owners with 'bad' timber contracts that lead to bad timber cuts, especially in Northeast Ohio (Portage County included).

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Resolve to Reduce: Waste & Run-off
10:00 AM10:00

Resolve to Reduce: Waste & Run-off

  • Portage County Soil & Water Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Let’s just get this out there – we are ALL polluters.  We waste food, water, energy, money, etc.  Additionally, many of the ways we manage our land also leads to additional wasting of our natural resources.  We are so fortunate in our abundance that it is easy to forget that very recently, we did not have clean air and water in Northeast Ohio.

The Portage County Master Gardener Volunteers, The Portage Park District and the Portage SWCD staff are offering a series of winter workshops aimed at assisting Portage County residents in learning about simple changes we can all make to reduce our negative environmental impacts.  This series is open to the public on a first-come basis and is offered at no-cost to participants.  Each session will include door prizes that promote the highlighted strategies and 2020 Conservation calendars will be provided to each attendee as supplies last.


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Farm Science Review Bus Trip
5:45 AM05:45

Farm Science Review Bus Trip

The Farm Science Review showcases new research, products, services, and experience through educational exhibits, presentations, and demonstrations on farming industries, & natural resources. PSWCD offers a community bus trip to and from one day of FSR. Cost includes event ticket, bus ride, morning refreshments, and dinner at Der Dutchman Restaurant!


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