Conservation Programs
Planning crop field conservation practices
Conservation Planning
If you have recently purchased a property and would like to explore your land use options or if you are considering making changes in your current land use plans, our staff can be of assistance. Working with you, we can develop a comprehensive conservation plan that fits your your needs.
A conservation plan includes:
Land owner determined goals, aerial photographs or diagram of the land, soils map and soils descriptions, resource inventory data such as forage or crop production potential, a list of the landowners conservation decisions, the location and schedule for applying conservation practices and systems, and maintenance information for installed conservation measures.
Please contact Scott Kenreich, x6808 for more information.
Grass water-way erosion control
Engineering Services
Our technicians can provide various engineering design services for projects such as grassed waterways, manure storage facilities, or milkhouse waste wetland systems.
The Portage SWCD has discontinued the pond design program, but the staff is available to meet with you and provide technical advice to assist with your pond project.
Please contact Eric Long, x6812 for more information.
Helping to cover the cost of erosion control practices
Preserving and restoring America's wetlands
Cost Share Programs
There are a number of cost share programs available to landowners looking to install conservation practices. Our staff can assist you in locating cost share dollars to fund your projects.
For federal USDA programs, please contact Scott Kenreich, x6808.
Conservation Easements
The Portage SWCD Easement and Land Ownership Program was started with the intent of protecting the riparian areas of Portage County. It has expanded to be used to protect other land types including farmland, wetland, woodland and biologically unique areas.
Conservation easements protect sensitive land areas from irreversible change. River bank, stream bank and wetland protection preserves water quality and provides wildlife habitat.
For information on the Portage SWCD Conservation Easement and Land Ownership Program, please contact Lynn Vogel, x6806.