Life in Soil:
Your Microscopic Farmhands
Imagine healthier plants, fewer pest problems, & less fertilizer applications. How? Soil Life.
Every acre of soil contains trillions of microorganisms, working with your plants to make mineral nutrients and nitrogen available, day and night! Bring a soil sample and learn to look at the soil food web organisms that make healthy nutrient cycling happen! This hands on, two-part workshop will teach you the fundamentals of understanding your soil from a microbiological point of view. Learn to identify and interpret the life in your soil through the use of a microscope, and how you can access the hidden potential of your soil by implementing specific management practices.
RSVP: $10.00 fee & limited to 10 participants. To register fill out THIS FORM.
9/3/2019: Class 1 - Soil Food Web Basics
9/10/2019: Class 2 - Identification & Interpretation
Our Course Leaders
Steve Larson
Akron Urban Farmer
Nathan Rutz
Rust Belt Riders Director of Soil