Saturday, April 13, 10:00AM - 2:00PM

Countryside and Portage SWCD welcomes Mark Cohen and Jim Wachtel of Wyatt Run Farm & Ecology Center.

Jim and Mark are both experienced farmers and landscape managers. They have been reading the landscape for years and have had many opportunities to implement different management practices onto their farm in order to manage their water in holistic ways. If you are a land steward, you know that water is inevitable. Water is an amazing resource, but when not managed properly it can cause many problems, for you, your crops, or for those down stream. At this program we will explore difference techniques to manage stormwater without just shuttling it off-site through  different techniques such as rainwater catchment systems, infiltration swales on contour, keyline systems, soil health and more. We will start our day at Purplebrown Farmstead which has successfully implemented many of these techniques, then we will take a tour to various farms in the immediate area that are having drainage problems and learn how to approach these systems and discover solutions with different management techniques.