The Division of Forestry is looking for timber stand Improvement vendors to do work in the forest. This work would include removing invasive species which requires a pesticide applicators license. Currently the list of contractors to do this work is very short, perhaps even non-existent. To address this need they're hosting a timber stand Improvement vendor Workshop on Friday October 19th.
The workshop agenda and registration form can be found HERE. It is specifically targeted towards companies interested in getting into this work. Along with invasive species identification and management they will discuss area calculations in the forest and bidding to help you prepare to enter this area or work.
It should be a great workshop for companies looking to expand into new markets.
The workshop fee is $25.00 per person, lunch included. If you would like to OI pay with a credit card check out OIAA's new website at . If you look at the calendar you'll find several events that you can register for online and use your credit card to pay for the class. Otherwise, you can pay the traditional way via check, details in the flyer, and mail it to address also listed in the flyer.