2020 Resolve to Reduce! Let’s just get this out there – we are ALL polluters. We waste food, water, energy, money, etc. Additionally, many of the ways we manage our land also leads to additional wasting of our natural resources. We are so fortunate in our abundance that it is easy to forget that very recently, we did not have clean air and water in Northeast Ohio. The Portage County Master Gardener Volunteers, The Portage Park District and the Portage SWCD staff are offering a series of winter workshops aimed at assisting Portage County residents in learning about simple changes we can all make to reduce our negative environmental impacts. This series is open to the public on a first-come basis and is offered at no-cost to participants. Each session will include door prizes that promote the highlighted strategies and 2020 Conservation calendars will be provided to each attendee as supplies last.
Resolve to Reduce Session 1: Reduce your WASTE & RUN-OFF. Saturday, February 8th , 2020 at 10:00 AM.
Part 1 - WASTE: Portage SWCD staff will provide this session that will focus on homeowner strategies to reduce our dependence on single-use packaging. Providing an overview of some of the statistics will hopefully motivate us to create some new habits. The Portage County Recycling Center staff will provide a current status report on recycling in our county. There will also be an introduction to reducing food waste. Many of these green alternatives should also help keep some green in your pocket!
Part 2 - Run-off: Sandy Barbic, Summit SWCD will provide a presentation that includes information about storm water run-off and how our landscape decisions can lead to water pollution, (including Harmful Algal Blooms). Then we will shift our focus to the plethora of homeowner strategies to improve soil health, water quality, landscape function, and wildlife habitat while also providing a much-needed respite for the homeowner!